
Core Concepts

app-net uses peer-to-peer socket servers to execute code both locally and remotely. The first thing to understand is the difference between local and remote execution of a function.


When you launch python and you execute a function, it will execute inside that instance, obviously. app-net requires you the developer to define the peer id to execute the function on. If you don’t tell the function where to execute the code, it will default to a normal pass-through. This makes development and testing easier. The response locally is expected to match a remote peers response.


When you execute a function, you can tell it to connect to a different instance of python, execute the code, and return the result through the socket response. The thing to understand is that a remote instance doesn’t need to be on another host. Meaning, if you have 2 instances of python running app-net on the same host, they can communicate the same way they would if they were on a different host.

A Basic Example

This is a very simple example of an application running on 2 different peers and communicating through a shared coding contract, the application itself.

# imports
import net

def connected_function(message):
    This will simply print the message passed on the local peer.

# Importing the application code will automatically launch the peer and begin
# listening for connection requests as well as set up the connection registry.
import app

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # enter an endless loop so the peer will listen.
    while 1:

# net imports
import net

# Importing the application code will automatically launch the peer and begin
# listening for connection requests as well as set up the connection registry.
import app

if __name__ == '__main__':

    all_peers = net.peers(on_host=True)
    # Gets all the peers on the local network. This will return a dictionary
    # where the key is the of the peer and value is a dictionary of
    # information about that peer. In this case, we know that both peers are
    # running on the same host so we want to pass in the no_host=True. The
    # result will be the same, but this will be significantly faster since it is
    # not going to be searching the whole network.
    # Example response:
    # {
    #   'peers': {
    #       b'MTkyLjE2OC4yLjI0OjMwMTAgLT4gTm9uZQ==': {
    #           'group': 'None',
    #           'host': '',
    #           'port': 3010,
    #           'hub': False
    #       },
    #    },
    #   'None': [
    #       b'MTkyLjE2OC4yLjI0OjMwMTAgLT4gTm9uZQ=='
    #   ]
    # }

    target_peer = all_peers['None'][0]
    # since we know there is only one other peer running our application in the
    # "None" group, we can assume it is safe to grab the first key. This will be
    # how net knows where to execute our application. Just a note, by default, a
    # peer that was initialized without a group set in its environment is set to
    # the "None" group.

    app.connected_function("My Message!", peer=target_peer)
    # now we can call our applications function. Since this function is
    # connected through net, we can pass in the keyword argument 'peer' to
    # specify where to execute the function. If you do not specify the peer, it
    # will simply execute the code locally as though it was not connected.
    # Basically just a normal function.

    # Running this will now print "My Message!" on peer1.